Earth Day is April 22!

It's earth month!

It's earth month!

April 22 is Earth Day. Since 1970 (in the U.S.), we've observed this day to cherish our planet's sensitive & unique environment, to reflect on our impact to its health, and to promote change for policy that protects it. But really, a day isn't enough, and as cliché as it might come across, we must make every day earth day.

At the end of 2017, Alpha Climbing became a business member of 1% for the Planet, a global network of businesses, nonprofits, and individuals working together for a healthy planet.

My life's work is to get ambitious youth outside and on the best rock climbs on earth. Doing so requires the consumption of fossil fuels, which in turn releases carbon into the atmosphere, furthering the effects of human caused climate change. There is tremendous hypocrisy in exploiting nature (so to speak) and then effectively harming it by spewing carbon in order to get there. 

Of course, this is the ethical dilemma that so many of us outdoor enthusiasts have, especially as it pertains to pursuing our passion. Although I have made attempts in my personal life to minimize my carbon output, these acts are so frequently just gestures: ego stroking and self-assuring. I sleep better at night if I know I'm doing less harm to the planet I love so much.

When I founded Alpha Climbing, I knew that I wanted to do a better job of putting my money where my heart is. I do believe that taking youth rock climbing (and all that this entails) is worth the detrimental effect on the environment. We cannot adequately quantify the value of this, though. From the training, travel, emotional development, new-found perspectives, enhanced communication, camaraderie, etc., etc., there is a tremendous amount of benefit. 

Fall 2017 Gap Semester athletes reflect on another amazing day in Mallorca.

Fall 2017 Gap Semester athletes reflect on another amazing day in Mallorca.

And as much as this is incredibly satisfying, the right thing to do should include the least amount of harm and the most amount of good. This is why Alpha signed on with 1% for the Planet. It's about accountability and shared responsibility. We will not make progress reducing the effects of human-influenced climate change acting as individuals. There are just too many of us consuming resources. However, working together, and supporting those who are organized and focused on effective environmental stewardship, we will make a difference. Together, we can turn this thing around.

Specifically, Alpha Climbing makes donations to offset the carbon footprint we leave by driving and flying, and to further efforts to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We've chosen The Nature Conservancy as our primary benefactor, due in large part for their efforts to work towards a healthy planet on a global scale. They have a very holistic and natural approach, which aligns well with our values

I sincerely hope that you can get involved with this movement, in a way that is authentic to you. 


Click here to go to 1% for the Planet's website.