performance rock climbing summer camps for ages 14-17 in the black hills of south dakota

2025 camp - August 1-9

The Black Hills, including Spearfish Canyon, Victoria Canyon, and other “secret” zones, are home to over 1500 bolted sport routes, making it one of the most expansive sport climbing destinations in the country. The blue and tan limestone is seemingly endless. As the creeks snakes through the canyons, walls rise out of the hillside around every corner. Spearfish and the VC are great summer destination. There’s always something in the shade and the 5000’ altitude helps keep the rock cool.

An incredible amount of climbing exists in the 5.11-5.12 range - roughly half of all the climbs established. For teens hoping to improve their rockcraft from a base of consistent gym training, it’s hard to beat the Black Hills for a summer destination.

We will tent camp in the canyon within a few miles from most of the climbing. Conditions are rustic, and cell signal is minimal at camp and at the crags. Recovery day activities will involve swimming at some of the secret spots along the creek, short hikes to beautiful vistas, and trips into Spearfish and Rapid City for groceries. We will attempt to climb 6 days during this camp.

It’s important to recognize that our programs are not “learn-to-climb” or “adventure” camps. Our mentorship and itinerary are specifically developed for passionate young athletes who have consistent experience in a gym or on a team program.

Program fee is $1700 for 9 days and 8 nights. Airport shuttle and in-bound/out-bound accommodation are available for additional fees.

Our program rates are significantly lower than national averages. We strongly encourage those with greater means to pay more to help support our mission-driven business model that prioritizes service over profit. Financial assistance and payment plans are available for those with less means.

2025 Black Hills, South Dakota Sport Climbing Deposit and Application

Please complete the application and deposit to register for our 2025 Black Hills, SD Sport Climbing Camps. If you wish to complete the deposit and application externally from this webform, please contact us.

contact us for more information

This program will operate under a special use permit from Black Hills National Forest, USDA. alpha climbing is an equal opportunity provider.