Summer 2019 Recap: Eastern Bighorns Trip (aka, the best summer camp ever).

Summer 2019 came and went in the blink of an eye. It was a summer of growth for alpha climbing with 16 athletes ages 11-17 joining our trips to 4 countries in 3 continents: France, Spain, Brazil, and Wyoming, U.S.A. Rather than bore you with tedious prose, here are a bunch of photos, with descriptions, of our amazing adventures this summer. Summer 2020 destinations coming soon!

The Bighorn Mountains of North Central Wyoming was the perfect destination for our first-ever pre-teen trip. 9 energetic athletes ages 11-13 joined an equally energetic staff of 3 adult and 3 older teen mentors in mid-August. The 5 day camp was graced with gorgeous weather: sunny every day with just a bit of rain with cool nights for good sleeping. 

We camped at the Thorne-Rider Camp, a 60 acre facility for youth-focused organizations. It was a beautiful location and setting in the foothills of the range, and conveniently located right at the trailhead for Piney Creek Canyon, where we climbed 3 out of the 5 days.

We also climbed at a spectacular alpine dolomite crag located at 7500’ on the east side of the Bighorns. Both crags have jaw-dropping mountain scenery and world class stone. 

One of the highlights of the camp was the first annual alpha climbing Cowperson Climbing Rodeo. Our athletes competed in three skill-based events: Quickdraw Challenge, Rodeo Clip, and Rope n’ Roll. It was proven that sometimes the smallest cowgirls are the fiercest. 

The common sentiment was that this was the “best week of my life.” I’d have to agree. The magic of bringing together a group of intelligent, compassionate, creative, and motivated youth to try hard and learn about ourselves and each other is priceless. It’s why alpha climbing exists.

Special thanks to Bighorn Mountain Guides for helping with local beta, permitting, and route maintenance. If you need a climbing guide for anywhere in the Bighorns, please get ahold of owner Nick and his friendly and professional group of guides.

Thanks for a great summer! -Aaron

Aaron Hjelt